Nuru Asabe Ramatu


This study investigated Computer-Based Concept Mapping (CBCM) as a tool
in the field of science education to help students in understanding basic
concepts and relationships between them. It was carried out in Zaria
Educational Zone. The study employed quasi-experimental design without
control group. A sample of one hundred and twenty-five Senior Secondary
Two (SSII) students from intact classes in three co-educational schools was
drawn from the population of six thousand and eighty-one students. The
sample comprised of fifty-three males and seventy-two females. The three
experimental groups were taught Human Circulatory system for a period of
six weeks. using Construct-on-Scaffold, Construct-by-Self and Paper-and-
Pencil strategies respectively. The instruments used for data collection were
“Circulatory System Concept-Mapping Tests”. Instruments were validated by
experts. Cohen’s Kappa was used to calculate Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) for
scoring the Construct-on-Scaffold, Construct-by-Self and Paper-and-Pencil
concept-mapping tests to be 0.80, 0.60 and 0.70 respectively. Means, standard
deviations, Analysis of Variance, Tukey’s and Z-test statistics were tested at
P≤0.05. Results showed that the Impact of the three Concept-mapping
strategies on the performance of students in Biology was significant
(P=0.003<0.05). Students in COS Strategy performed better than CBS and
PAP strategies. Male and female students in the CBCM strategies did not
differ significantly in their mean rubric scores (P=0.14˃ 0.05). Based on these
findings, it was recommended that Biology teachers should adopt the
Construct-on-Scaffold Concept-Mapping Strategy as a useful tool for teaching
students how to construct their own concept maps.

Full Text:



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