Vitalis Anaehobi


The missionary mandate of Matthew 28,19: “Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the teaching I gave you, lo I
am with you till the end of time” is understood by the Church to have three
dimensions namely: proclamation of the Word, celebration of sacraments and
witnessing. This third aspect touches the various aspects of life in human
community. One of such aspects is integral development. Looking at the
economic, political, social, environmental and human development in our country
Nigeria today one cannot but notice that most people seem to have no direction
and are just following the wind. Even many of the so called elites find it hard to
distinguish between common good, good of all and personal good. History shows
that the Western development was built on Christian principles and foundations
which emerged mostly as a result of the Church’s engagement in the championing
of development in all its aspects.

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